Watershed Planning

What are Watershed-based Plans?
What Are Watershed-Based Plans?

Watershed-based plans (WBPs) are extensive studies of a watershed that identify current water quality concerns and recommended strategies for improvement, as well as detailed plans for implementation of those strategies. WBPs outline specific actions for water quality protection and improvement that will help ensure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies for local communities.

Cane Creek Watershed Plan

Lake Keowee Watershed Plan

Putting a Plan Into Action
Putting A Plan Into Action

Once the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES) approves a WBP, it becomes eligible for funding opportunities through the Section 319 program for non-profit source reduction land improvement projects (i.e. septic repairs, agricultural improvement projects, and land protection). The implementation of WBPs directly addresses current water quality concerns and helps both landowners and water utilities alike keep drinking water safe and affordable by reducing levels of bacteria, nutrients, and sediment.

What About Funding?

The LKSWPT has partnered with the SCDES to provide cost-share assistance to landowners within the Lake Keowee watershed who are experiencing malfunctioning or failing septic systems.

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